Communist America
Apparently, now the government can tell stores what they have to stock. That's right, Illinois and now Massachusetts are requiring Walmart carry the morning-after pill. It is illegal to not carry it. This sort of high-handedness on the part of the Massachusetts Board of Pharmacy and the Illinois government should infuriate everyone. Why? Because telling a store that they have to carry a good is one of the most intrusive things I have ever heard of a government doing. And for the people who started the lawsuit? Apparently all pretense of "pro-choice" is out the window. We aren't allowed to have a choice anymore. In their eyes, it's pro-abortion OR ELSE. Either that or they are too lazy to go get their morning-after pill at CVS or another pharmacy, it has to be at Wal-Mart. They want to be free to make their choices without us being free to make ours. This childishness smacks of the attitude some adopt as teenagers when they try to pressure their peers to make the same bad decisions they are making so they won't have to feel so guilty about making them themselves. I doubt it will happen, but I hope Walmart (and every single person interested in freedom) fights back.