This Is Me

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Good Quotes

I highly recommend Orson Scott Card's political essays. Go to his webpage (in my links) and click on World Watch (in his links). I believe he is a Democrat, or at least a Liberal, but what he has to say is canny and interesting. Here are some quotes from his most recent essay:

"The courts have given the news media carte blanche, in the name of the First Amendment -- but the media are no better than government at exercising unchecked power" - Orson Scott Card (Democrat)

"That's the established church of the West these days -- liberty without responsibility, filth praised as "edgy" and virtue despised as "bourgeouis." " - Orson Scott Card

"And as the Iranians and North Koreans have learned, it's very very hard to get rid of a dictatorship with a puritan ideology. Sometimes you're lucky and a big country comes along and liberates you. But sometimes there's no country big enough to do it, and you just have to hunker down and pretend to think correct thoughts and live some kind of life below the radar.

You know, the way believing Christians do right now at American universities." - Orson Scott Card.


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