Global Warming
This is an interesting essay debunking global warming. I tossed the ideas discussed here around in my head a while, wondering if it were correct, and then decided that I really didn't know enough about climate science to know. Plus, it would be waaaaaaaaaaaay too much work to go and find which journals reputable climate scientists publish in to check their data. And then I'd have the trouble of stuggling to remember my college class on Biological Statistics in order to interpret their data correctly. However, I was in luck, just a couple days ago I picked up Michael Crichton's new book State of Fear which I found out as I started to read it is about, interestingly enough, global warming. Or rather, the fact that it seems that the scientific data support the theory that there is no global warming. (Notice I said "support the theory" NOT "prove." Some other time I'll go into my pet peeve: scientific theory and the ignorant people who don't understand it and think that science has anything to do with PROOF. ) *cough* Anyway, this new Crichton has footnotes everywhere with excerpts from climate studies, glacier studies, etc sprinkled throughout his book. It's lovely when someone else has done the research you wish you were more motivated to do. Of course, he'll be getting paid millions for his book to compensate him, but what the hey. Anyway, interestingly enough apparently the glaciers in Antarctica etc are growing thicker. Parts of them are melting (and have been for 6,000 years, not 50 or 100 which is what you would expect if industrial pollution had anything to do with it, although 6,000 might work into the theory in the above article.) , but most of them are thickening. Isn't this interesting? Also, the oceans are not rising and there is MORE sea ice since the 70s, not less. Anyway, read the article and, if you like an interesting read, the book as well.
What should my next topic be? Scientific Theory or how humanity seems to have lost technology?
What should my next topic be? Scientific Theory or how humanity seems to have lost technology?
At 3:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
LOVE the tirade about "support" vs. "prove"! I was just thinking about that this a.m. as I was listening to the news and the debate in Kansas about teaching intelligent design along with evolutionary theory. Hel-LO people! It's a THEORY! WHY are we teaching it as fact?! How much support there actually is for that theory is practically beside the point in this debate.
--Ariana (a.k.a. Spreader of Toxic Romance)
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