Global Warming - in response to my Al Gore posting
Want to know how much you really know about global warming? Here is a test that was sent from a scientist I know. Also, as a bonus, it explains the causes behind global warming clearly.
In addition, here's an article on global warming by S. Fred Singer, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. This article will shed more light on the issue.
Yet another article. This one is from the Washington Times. Best quote from it:
"[Al Gore's] great accomplishment is to have shared the Nobel Peace Prize with the thousands of scientists of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change while contradicting their scientific findings."
In addition, here's an article on global warming by S. Fred Singer, Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia. This article will shed more light on the issue.
Yet another article. This one is from the Washington Times. Best quote from it:
"[Al Gore's] great accomplishment is to have shared the Nobel Peace Prize with the thousands of scientists of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change while contradicting their scientific findings."
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